Thursday, June 19, 2014

Using SQL to Reconfigure a Dial Plan - Updating Directory Numbers

I have had this blog entry in the draft folder for quite some time. I decided to dust it off and bring it to the front of the queue after receiving the following query on Twitter:

@ucguerrilla got one for you.  Trying to update 1xxxx and 3xxxx in pt-Internal to 401xxxxx and 403xxxxx... any idea of sql query? :)
Can you accomplish this via SQL? Why, yes you can. About a year ago I completely rebuilt a customer's dial plan using 100% SQL. While I won't be discussing the ins and outs of all of that in this entry. I do plan on getting into the mechanics of doing broad changes to digit patterns using SQL.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cisco Live 2014 Experience

I can't tell if time moves faster before, during, or after Cisco Live. It has been two weeks since Cisco Live 2014 in San Francisco, yet it feels like I was at Lefty O'Doul's just yesterday. 

Before it got too far away from me, I wanted to recap my experience. For no reason other than I feel "wrong" if I don't. This year, I think the best way to sum up my Cisco Live 2014 experience is to focus on how, over time, my connection with the Live! event has evolved from being a member of the audience to becoming part of the event.